SEMA 2023 On the Books

SEMA Show 2023

You probably saw in an earlier post that we were headed to SEMA. Well, me made it! And we survived. Awesome cars, awesome displays, awesome everything. We had been to car shows before, but nothing prepared us for the sheer scale of this show.

We attended the show as a Non Exhibiting Manufacture. This meant we were allowed to go see all the booths, the demos, and shows, but we weren’t allowed to present any of our product. We weren’t allowed to make any negotiations with any companies to carry our product. Which is fair. Companies spend a lot of money to attend and show off their wares. We also were there to get a feel for the show and not sell anything. And wow! Walking into the South hall we realized we had no clue what we were getting into. It turns out there were about 2300 different exhibitors and over 1 million square feet of exhibition space covering the full West, South, and Central halls of the Las Vegas Convention Center. We were instantly overwhelmed walking into the 1800 foot long South hall. Millions of dollars of Cars, Trucks, SUVs, and Jeeps modified in every conceivable way. Famous cars, famous people, YouTubers, every company we’ve ever heard of in the automotive industry. You really have to suspend your belief when it comes to building a custom vehicle.

Having said that I think we will just leave you with a bit of a gallery from our miles and miles of walking.

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